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Doctor Who Review: Top 5 Reasons Why We’ll Miss Amy & Rory

Fans expected The Angels Take Manhattan to have a depressing ending, but we never never knew how. [Don’t worry, this post will not spoil exactly what happens.] My heart was breaking while I watched. Fans are going to miss Amy and Rory in a huge way, and here’s the top 5 reasons why:

1) We’ll Miss Rory’s Quiet Strength:

Rory started out on the show as Amy’s awkward boyfriend. People laughed at him being a nurse. Deep inside though, there was a Roman Centurion ready to fight. Once he got used to the awkwardness of traveling with Amy and the Doctor, he brought this side out. He didn’t need to say that he was a tough guy, he just did it. The beginning of A Good Man Goes To War was the best example of this. 

2) We’ll Miss Amy’s Silly Yet Serious Sassyness:

Amy always had a witty response for every time Eleven acted the fool. She wasn’t afraid to flirt to get good results in tricky situations. When things got rough, Amy was able to turn off the goofy but keep the attitude. Her interactions with Riddell and Nerfetiti in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is an excellent example of Amy’s ability to balance this element.

3) Amy and Rory’s Timey Wimey Fairy Tale Romance:

Amy and Rory are a perfect ship to support. There was no maybes or “will they won’t they” about their relationship. The dream wedding was inevitable. [Photo courtesy of Photo courtesy of BBC America] Amy and Rory were willing to make huge sacrifices for each other in Asylum of the Daleks, and this is what makes their relationship so special.  River was the result of their enduring love for each other. Giving the Doctor another companion to keep his emotions in check also shows that he plays an important part in their relationship.

4) We’ll Miss Amy’s Character Development:

We watched Amy grow up through the last two and a half seasons. She started out as an emotionally insecure 12 year old and became become a stoic wife and mother. Both “old Amy” and “young Amy” in The Girl Who Waited showed a woman who was struggling with conflicting emotions in a powerful way. Even the choices she made in the season finale showed incredible maturity compared to the beginning of series 5. If Amy had more adventures with the Doctor, we would be able to see her grow as a person even more. 

5) We’ll Miss Rory’s Loyalty 

Having a devoted partner like Rory is every person’s dream. Rory waited 2,000 years for Amy to get out of the Pandorica. Who else can say they were willing to do that for the one they loved?  His loyalty wasn’t exclusively reserved for Amy. He supported the Doctor, River, and all that was good in the universe as well. 

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